FLUW: The true news flow

UX Design | Product Design | Information Design
Project Overview
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the proliferation of fake news brought more fear, confusion and depression to people's lives. To combat the fake news chaos, FLUW proposes a truth-seeking way to read news by integrating news flow, map-based news presentation, convenient news note cards and an intelligent rating system to keep users "awake" and provide them with an innovative, clean and trustworthy news reading experience.
5 months
Team with
Individual Project
My role
UX Design
User Testing
Tobii Eye Tracking
Context & Research
From January 2020, when the Covid-19 broke out, reports about the new virus swept overwhelmingly, and fake news also emerged one after another. Usually low-quality and fake news does not have a particularly huge impact on people's lives, but this moment is different. Horrible stories and reports make people blindly buying useless treatments, medicines and daily necessities. Some people caught diseases during the process, and some people even died.

I was also deeply affected at that moment and can't fall asleep every night. When seeing the intensity of dispelling rumors is far behind the birth of new rumors, I was very eager to make some efforts to improve the news environment.
During the first round of research, focus group is adopted in order to obtain different people's views on news, and tounderstand how information is transmitted in small groups. Due to the Covid-19, this test was conducted online. Several pieces of real news and fake news wereprepared, and online cooperation tools and video software were used for discussion.
During the second round of research, further 1V1 interview is adopted.
Based on the research on the operation of fake news and the study of people's habits and motivations for reading news, a brand new platform for reading news was born.

A News aggregation platform to help people think and pursue the truth, to encourage insightful people to speak up, to promote rigorous facts and research to be seen by more people.
Final Design